
Seminar – From Space to Place 2:2

– Spaces, places and the earliest urbanization of South Scandinavia
The Lindholm Høje Museum, November 30th and December 1st 2021

With a generous donation from the VELUX FOUNDATION the project “From central space to urban place. From the central spaces of the Iron Age to the cities of the Middle Ages”. is conducted over the years 2017-2021. The project analyzes the earliest urbanization process in South Scandinavia within the chronological frame c. AD 400-1100. The means is, with Odense and Aalborg as cases, to explore the development from the central spaces of the Late Iron Age, defined as concentrations of localities characterized by wealth and functions like trade, crafts, cult and defense to the urban places (cities) of the Middle Ages, where the structures of power are concentrated at one spot.
The theoretical dialogue between space and place is a general perspective for the project, both in research and dissemination. The same goes for the two international seminars, as part of the project. The first seminar, held in May 2018, dealt with aspects of space, whereas this second seminar will focus on the aspects of place and the connection between space and place.
The seminar has a natural focus on the main concepts of the From central space to urban place project, but just as important is an interest in relating these issues with other theoretical and methodological concepts as well as other spatial and chronological areas dealing with urbanization processes. Additionally, we hope that the two days will give plenty of room for discussion of a formal and unformal nature. The presentations are planned as 25 minutes of lectures and 5 minutes for discussion and clarifying questions. Each session ends with a general discussion on the theme.
The seminar will be published online in the form of abstracts, the power point-presentations as well as summaries of the presentations and discussions, written by two archaeologists with this dedicated function of the two days. This form was also used in the first seminar .